Brand: No Manufacturer
The Stefan version of Worker's trusty 14 round PMAG. This is the latest product from Worker, this PMAG is a more updated version of the F10555 PMAG, this has better material and build quality, slimmer and also look a lot more better due to it's size. Maximum darts capacity is 15, but recommended dar..
Brand: Worker
This is meant to be used with Worker Stefan Breech (Power Kit)Length: 32 cm..
USD15.75 USD7.88
Brand: Worker
Worker Flywheel in transparent nylon material.
Slanted to give more spin in the dart for longer dart travel distance..
USD10.50 USD5.25
Brand: No Manufacturer
This kit contains:- Submarine Kit Main assembly Stryfe Modular front adaptor (includes Worker Stryfe top patch)Top rail- Side patch cover for Stryfe with 2x 5cm rail- Submarine kit Buttstock - Stryfe top rail 279mm - Inner Barrel This kit doesn't contains:- Muzzle- Scope/Sights- Blaster..
USD65.00 USD32.50
Brand: No Manufacturer
Convert a F10555 buffer tube into a power stock for Worker Prophecy shell...
Brand: Monkee Mods
Replacing our 3D printed SCAR muzzle will be our all new rifling muzzle, designed by Blasterforge. Instead of using string, the rifling muzzle uses 3 lines of rifling twist to guide the dart into a spin. This design allow us to produce more consistent product that doesn't subject to human error, red..